Why Your Critics Could Be Your Greatest Allies 🤔

5 min readMar 31, 2023

Do you remember being young and feeling like criticism was just provocation and fault-finding? We’ve all been there. But looking back, who was the person who criticised us the most since childhood? Our parents. And which teacher didn’t want their students to be successful in the future? It’s the same one who criticised us in school.

The truth is, those who criticise us today are likely doing it for our own good, seeing potential in us that we may not even see in ourselves.

Sure, it feels good to hear words of affirmation and praise, but as the ancient saying goes, “Loyal words are harmful to the ear and good for deeds.” It’s only those who are responsible to us and think we are “teachable” who will truly critique us.

Think of it this way: good medicine is bitter. It’s not always easy to hear what’s in our hearts, but criticism can help us grow and improve ourselves.

Therefore, the next time someone critiques you, try to embrace it. It may be just the thing you need to propel you towards success. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll look back and thank them for it.

Why Do Some People Resist Criticism Instead of Embracing It?

One of the main reasons people resist criticism is because they fear losing face. Being criticised can feel like an insult to our self-esteem, but in reality, accepting criticism has nothing to do with our worth as a person. If we truly want to be strong and confident, we should be open to receiving feedback from multiple sources. Not only does this allow us to analyse situations from different angles, but it also helps us to broaden our knowledge and enhance our judgment.

It’s important to remember that small mistakes can snowball into big ones if they aren’t corrected, and those who criticise us are often the ones who care about us the most. Rather than rushing to defend ourselves when we hear negative feedback, we should take a step back and consider the source. By being open to criticism, we can learn and grow, becoming the best version of ourselves.

Are you sure you’re always right? Have you ever felt like you were doing everything right, only to be met with criticism and opposition? It’s easy to feel discouraged, but here’s the truth: there is no such thing as perfection. No matter how much effort we put in, there will always be room for improvement.

Embracing imperfection means being open to new ideas and ways of doing things. Good ideas can come from unexpected sources, and sometimes the best way to move forward is by listening to opposing opinions.

It’s not always easy to tolerate criticism, especially when we’ve put in a lot of effort into something. But it’s important to remember that there is no best, only better. And by being open to criticism, we can learn and grow.

So next time someone offers you feedback, take a deep breath and listen. You might just learn something new and valuable. After all, as the saying goes, “Listen and you will understand.”

When you hear criticism, you can do two things:


The first is to dig in your heels and prove your naysayers wrong, but let’s be honest, if you’ve made a mistake, no amount of time and effort spent arguing your case will change that.


Option two is to take a deep breath, talk to your critics, and listen to what they have to say. It’s not always easy, but sometimes it’s exactly what you need to hear. And let’s be real, getting criticised means you’re still relevant and people care about you. So, why not say “thank you” and show some appreciation?

The person who can call you out on your mistakes is a true gem. Flatterers who blow smoke up your rear end all day long aren’t really helping anyone. But the honest friend who’s willing to “pull your face” and give you some tough love? That’s someone worth keeping around.

Opinions and criticism are like gold for your ears. Not everyone is brave enough to dish out some hard truths, so when you find someone who is, hold onto them tight. They might just be your saving grace when you need it most.


As we come to the end of this article, I hope that the words I’ve shared have left you feeling uplifted and inspired. The gentle glow of a flickering candle and the soft rustle of pages turning as you read this, creating a sense of warmth and connection. Your support and enthusiasm fuel my passion for creating content that resonates with you, and I would be honoured if you could show your appreciation by clicking the clap button below. Together, we can continue to explore the many facets of the power of constructive criticism, and I can’t wait to see where our journey takes us next. Thank you for reading, and until next time, take care.




Words are my paintbrush, and blogging is my canvas. Join me on a journey of creativity and self-expression, as I share my thoughts and musings with the world.