Mastering the Art of Dining Etiquette with Class & Finesse 🍽️ ft. Zendaya

15 min readApr 8, 2023
Note: The thumbnail image used in this post is not meant to disparage Zendaya in any way. Rather, it serves as a visual reminder of the importance of good table manners for all of us.

Good manners and proper etiquette have always been valued in every culture throughout history. Whether it’s advocating courtesy and reciprocity or embodying the essence of a Confucian culture, table manners have always occupied an important place in traditional society.

However, in today’s world, it seems that proper table manners have become a rarity. We all remember the hilarious antics of Shaggy from the beloved American cartoon Scooby-Doo, where he seemed to have a never-ending supply of burps ready to entertain us. While it may seem enjoyable and entertaining on the screen, such portrayals can inadvertently influence impressionable children to pick up some not-so-polite habits.

But let’s not put all the blame on our animated friends. With jam-packed schedules and endless to-do lists, American parents find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, often leaving little time to focus on teaching their children the art of proper etiquette. It’s not that they don’t care; it’s just that the hustle and bustle of daily life often takes priority over refining those dinnertime decorum.

Don’t you worry, it’s never too late to learn! Mastering proper table manners can enhance your social experiences and leave a lasting impression on those around you. It can also show that you come from a cultured background and can reflect positively on your upbringing. Additionally, it helps you avoid potentially embarrassing situations and ensure that you feel confident and comfortable in any dining setting.

Let’s take a moment to revisit the basics of table etiquette and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of every nation. And who knows, you might even impress your future boss or in-laws with your newfound knowledge!

So, join me as we explore the world of table manners and discover how a little bit of etiquette can go a long way in making a great impression.

Don’t Learn From Celebrities With Bad Influences

First thing first, don’t give that impression like Zendaya while eating. It would freak your guest out!

Your boyfriend might not say anything to you, but your parents will spank you!

Perfecting Seating Arrangements: Tips for a Harmonious Meal

Are you tired of awkward seating arrangements that ruin the mood of your dinner parties? Fear not! By following a few simple rules of etiquette, you can create a harmonious atmosphere that will make your guests feel welcome and respected.

According to traditional Chinese customs, seating order is crucial for showing respect and creating balance. When seating guests, remember to “respect the left and respect the east” and “respect the gate facing the gate.” If you’re at a round table, the host and guest should face the gate, and the left and right sides should be determined based on their distance from the host and guest.

If you’re at an Eight Immortals table, things get a bit more complicated. If there’s a seat facing the gate, the guest should sit on the right side of the gate. If there’s no seat facing the gate, the chief should sit on the right side of the east.

For big banquets, the chief should be seated in the front and center, with seats 2, 4, and 6 to the left and seats 3, 5, and 7 to the right. And whether you’re the host or the guest, remember to follow the lead of the person in charge.

Ah, the joy of sharing a meal with loved ones, colleagues, or acquaintances. Now that we’ve talked about seating arrangements, let’s dive into some etiquette tips for when you’re actually sitting down to eat. Whether you’re dining with family, coworkers, or friends, following proper etiquette can help make the meal more enjoyable for everyone.

First up, if you’re dining with family, be sure to pay attention to seniority when taking a seat. This means that older family members should be seated first, followed by younger family members. And if you’re dining with coworkers, let them take their seats before you do. Simple, right?

But what about when you’re with friends? Well, here’s where things get a little tricky. If there are women in the group, let them take their seats first, followed by the men. And if you happen to be the host, be a gracious one and arrive early. You can even wait by the door and lead your guests to their seats. Talk about a warm welcome!

Now, let’s talk about the art of seating arrangements when your boss is present. As a good employee, you should always lead your boss to the main seat. And if there are customers or clients joining you, make sure to seat the highest-ranking one on the left side of the main seat. Unless, of course, the host is a VIP themselves. In that case, it’s best to let them take the lead.

Once you’re seated, remember to maintain proper posture and keep an appropriate distance from the table. After all, good manners are all about making those around you feel comfortable.

So, there you have it, folks. Now go forth and dine in harmony!

Ordering at a Business Banquet or Dinner Party: Tips and Tricks to Impress Your Guests

There’s nothing quite like the anticipation of dining out with friends or colleagues, but the pressure to order correctly can be daunting. The only thing more daunting than deciphering a lengthy menu is figuring out how to order without breaking the bank. But fear not, my dear reader, for we have some tips to help you order with grace and finesse.

If you’re hosting a business banquet, take some time to choose the perfect venue that reflects your intentions and budget. Once your guests arrive, don’t be afraid to circulate the menu and let them choose what they want. After all, nobody likes a bossy host. And if you’re paying the bill, your guests won’t be too shy to order. But if your boss is present, refrain from asking him or her to order food — it’s a matter of respect.

As for dinner parties, remember to let the host do the ordering. If they ask for your input, suggest a dish that’s not too expensive or taboo and don’t forget to ask your fellow diners about their preferences, including any food allergies or dislikes. It’s a great way to show that you care.

Once the order is placed, don’t hesitate to ask for feedback. You can say something like, “I ordered a dish, but I’m not sure if it suits everyone’s taste buds. What do you think?” Or, “Would anyone like to order something else?” It’s a great way to ensure that everyone feels included and satisfied.

Go ahead, order with confidence, and enjoy the company of your fellow diners.

The Three Rules for Ordering

Imagine this scenario: you’re at a fancy business dinner, and the menu is extensive. Your eyes start to glaze over as you try to figure out what to order. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are three easy-to-follow rules that will help you impress your guests and keep your budget in check.

First, consider the composition of your group. Are you dining with a group of ravenous men or a more delicate crowd? Generally speaking, one dish per person is a safe bet, but if you’re dining with a pack of wolves, feel free to add a few more dishes to the order.

Second, pay attention to the combination of dishes. For a well-rounded meal, aim for a mix of meat and vegetables, hot and cold dishes. And if your table is dominated by a particular gender, tailor your order accordingly. More women? Add some light, veggie dishes. More men? Bring on the meat!

Third, consider the importance of the occasion. Is this a run-of-the-mill business dinner, or are you trying to impress an important client? If it’s the latter, don’t be afraid to splurge a little on more luxurious items, like lobster or abalone.

But no matter what you order, remember one important rule: never haggle over the price. You don’t want to come across as cheap in front of your guests or the waitstaff.

And there you have it, three simple rules for ordering like a pro. Bon appétit!

Savouring the Best: Prioritising Dishes

When you’re hosting a group of friends or colleagues at a restaurant and it’s time to order. You want to make sure everyone has a great dining experience, but where do you start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with our guide to prioritising dishes.

(1) Dishes with a unique twist

When entertaining guests, it’s always good to choose dishes that stand out from the ordinary. Look for menu items that have a unique twist, such as a fusion of different cuisines or unexpected ingredients. These dishes will spark conversation and leave a lasting impression.

(2) Local specialties

Every region has its own culinary gems, so be sure to explore the local specialties of the restaurant you’re dining at. In London, try fish and chips or a classic Sunday roast, while in Manchester you can’t go wrong with a hearty Lancashire hotpot. And don’t forget about international cuisines that have become popular worldwide, like sushi or tacos.

(3) Chef’s recommendations

Many restaurants have signature dishes recommended by the chef, which are often the most popular and well-executed items on the menu. Don’t be afraid to ask your waiter for suggestions and let them know your preferences. You may discover a new favorite dish!

Navigating Dietary Taboos with Ease

Let’s start with a golden rule: respect your guests’ dietary needs, whether they stem from religious beliefs, health concerns, personal preferences, or even occupation-related taboos. Remember, you can’t just serve any old exotic delicacy to your guests — serving crocodile head might work in some places, but it’s probably not the best option for your upcoming dinner party!

Religious dietary taboos are non-negotiable. Respect your guests’ beliefs and avoid any dishes that may violate their dietary restrictions. For example, when catering for Muslim or Jewish guests, it’s important to be mindful of prohibited foods and make sure to avoid them at all costs.

Health concerns are also a priority. Skip the deep-fried, high-sodium dishes and opt for lighter, healthier options that will leave everyone feeling satisfied and energised.

Regional differences in dietary preferences can be a fun way to explore new flavours and cuisines. Get creative and mix things up with some local specialties from different regions.

Finally, be mindful of any occupation-related dietary restrictions your guests may have. Who knew certain professions had their own set of food restrictions.

Etiquette at the Dinner Table

While it’s important to know proper dining etiquette, it’s also important to avoid eating like Zendaya with your mouth wide open and teeth on full display. Unless, of course, you’re auditioning for a toothpaste commercial.

Dining etiquette is important in many cultures, and it’s no different when it comes to business dinners. Whether you’re dining with colleagues, clients, or foreign guests, knowing the dos and don’ts of the dinner table can make all the difference.

At the start of the meal, the waiter will usually bring a wet towel to clean your hands, but don’t be tempted to use it as a face wipe. And if you’re served a small watermelon with lemon slices or rose petals floating in it, don’t take a sip — it’s for washing your hands!

Remember to be polite and courteous when dining with others. Avoid repeatedly persuading guests to eat, and instead introduce the unique flavours and characteristics of the cuisine. And if you’re a guest at a foreign banquet, don’t expect the host to constantly serve you food — you might end up waiting a long time.

When it’s time to eat, wait for the host to signal the beginning of the meal by raising their glass. And after the meal, use a napkin or small towel to wipe your mouth, but avoid wiping your head, neck, or chest and please, no uncontrollable burps or belches at the table!

Mastering Wine Drinking Etiquette

Do you often find yourself lost in a sea of wine glasses, unsure of how to properly clink or when to toast? Don’t worry, dear reader, for we have compiled a list of wine drinking etiquette tips to help you navigate any wine table with grace and poise.

#1 Toasting

When it comes to toasting, it’s important to remember to stand up and raise your glass with both hands and make sure you have something to say, otherwise, why should anyone drink your wine?

#2 Respect

If you want to show respect to your drinking partner, be mindful of their drinking capacity and attitude. Don’t drink less than them, and always add more wine to their glass. And remember, it’s best to touch the wine in a clockwise order to avoid showing favouritism.

#3 Filling Glasses

Don’t talk about business on the table. After all, the business is almost done once you’ve had a few drinks. And if there’s not enough wine to go around, don’t be silly and pour it one by one. Simply put the bottle in the middle of the table and ask people to fill up their own glasses.

#4 Toasting hierarchy

It’s important to remember the toasting hierarchy. The host should always respect the guest of honour, while guests should accompany and respect the guest of honour. And when you’re a guest, never make a toast indiscriminately. It’s very impolite and disrespectful to the host.

So there you have it, dear reader — with these wine drinking etiquette tips in mind, you’re sure to impress at any wine table. Just remember to hold your glass with your right hand and the bottom with your left, and always touch the wine in a clockwise order.

The Art of Pouring Tea: A Cultural Tradition

In both Chinese and British cultures, the act of pouring tea is steeped in tradition and etiquette. As a symbol of hospitality, it is important to understand the proper way to serve tea, whether it’s for guests visiting a home or at a social gathering.

Avoid extending your pinky finger while drinking tea as it is impolite.

First and foremost, the tea set should be meticulously cleaned to ensure that the tea is pure and free from any lingering flavors. Then comes the amount of tea. A general rule of thumb is to fill the teapot up to 80% capacity, leaving room for the tea leaves to unfurl and release their full flavor.

Now, let’s talk about the proper way to serve tea. In Asian cultures, it is customary to use both hands when serving tea to guests. This is a sign of respect and hospitality. However, some younger generations may not be aware of this tradition and may serve tea with just one hand. Remember to always use both hands when serving tea, especially if you want to impress your guests with your impeccable etiquette.

When it comes to teacups with cup ears, it is best to hold the cup ears with one hand and the bottom of the cup with the other hand to serve the tea. But what about teacups without ears? These can be a bit tricky, as the entire cup is hot and difficult to hold with both hands. Some may resort to pinching the edge of the cup with their fingers, but this is unsightly and unhygienic. Instead, try using a small napkin or cloth to hold the hot cup while serving the tea. Your guests will appreciate the effort you put into ensuring their tea experience is enjoyable and comfortable.

Delving into Chinese Dining Etiquette: Lessons to Learn from a Culturally Rich Tradition

Chinese dining etiquette is a fascinating blend of tradition, respect, and good manners. The Chinese believe that eating is not just about satisfying hunger, but also about building relationships and forging bonds.

Learning about other cultures and their dining etiquette can broaden our understanding and appreciation of different customs. Understanding Chinese dining etiquette, for example, can not only help us avoid any unintended mistakes when dining with the Chinese, but also allow us to appreciate the rich tradition and respect that surrounds Chinese cuisine. So let’s dive into some basic Chinese dining etiquette rules.

To start, it’s important to know that early notice is required for the invitation of guests, and it’s not appropriate to seat guests at the table before the scheduled time. Being punctual is also key, with the host expected to be on time and guests allowed to arrive 5–10 minutes late as a sign of consideration.

When sitting at a round table, the seat facing the door is considered the main seat, or the one with the back wall or counter. In more upscale restaurants, the seating arrangement may be distinguished by napkins. It’s important not to just sit in the place with the largest napkins unless you plan on treating guests yourself.

As a guest, it’s important to wait for the host’s order and not give direct directions to the orderer. If a guest has serious taboos or preferences, it’s appropriate to gently inform the host, who can then make accommodations.

When dishes are served, the host carefully observes that the cold dishes are served and that there is wine in each glass. The host should then raise their glass immediately, welcoming guests to start. Turning the disc or signaling with the right hand, the host and guest on the side move the first chopsticks. After each dish is served, it’s customary to compliment the cook or restaurant.

While eating, it’s important to keep your back straight and your lips tightly closed to avoid talking, dropping objects, spilling juice, or making unappetising sounds. It’s best to let food on chopsticks transition to the receiving plate before eating, making the dining experience more pleasant for everyone.

Lastly, it’s important to remember to enjoy the company of your dining companions and avoid playing with your phone. As they say, “no phones, no distractions, just good food and good company!”

How to Gracefully Exit a Banquet

Whether it’s a formal dinner party or a casual get-together, there comes a time when you need to leave the gathering. But how do you make your exit without causing a commotion? Here are some tips on how to leave a gathering gracefully:

First, avoid disrupting the flow of the event by quietly saying goodbye to a few people around you rather than going around the room to say farewell to everyone individually. This will help prevent any awkwardness or confusion that could arise if you were to suddenly disappear.

Second, if you need to leave a gathering early, be sure to explain and apologise to the host. This shows respect for their time and effort in organising the event, and also helps to maintain good relationships with other guests.

Finally, once you’ve said your goodbyes, make a swift exit. Don’t linger at the door and hold up the host, who likely has other guests waiting to be greeted. Remember, a gracious exit is just as important as a warm welcome.


As we conclude, let’s raise our metaphorical glasses to good manners and etiquette. It’s not just about following rules, but rather about showing respect, kindness, and consideration to those around us. Whether it’s leaving a party early or knowing which fork to use, the little things matter in creating a positive and memorable experience for everyone involved. So, let’s commit to being our best selves at the dining table and beyond.

I hope this blog has provided valuable insights on proper etiquette for leaving the dining table, whether it’s in the middle of a reception or after a meal. And if you found these tips helpful, I encourage you to click the clap button and don’t be shy to share with your friends — because who doesn’t love a well-mannered companion? Remember, leaving with tact and respect not only shows consideration for the host and other guests, but also reflects positively on yourself. It’s worth noting that all my blogs are completely free, and I write them simply out of passion and a desire to help others.

My motivation for creating content that can make a positive impact in people’s lives is fueled by your support. Thank you for your support!

Don’t forget what you just learned!




Words are my paintbrush, and blogging is my canvas. Join me on a journey of creativity and self-expression, as I share my thoughts and musings with the world.