Harsh Truths About Life as a Boss: What They Don’t Tell You in Business School ⚠️

7 min readMar 31, 2023

As an entrepreneur and boss of my own accessories brand, I can tell you firsthand that the life of a boss is no cakewalk. It’s not just about living the dream of being a rich and successful businessperson; in fact, the reality is quite different. From dealing with endless problems and pressures to shouldering the burden of employee welfare, shareholder expectations, and societal impact, being a boss is a constant juggling act. It’s a life filled with challenges, debts, and long hours of planning for the future. But, as I’ve learned, with great challenges come great rewards, and I wouldn’t trade this life for anything else.

The Boss Life: It’s a Job, But Not Like Any Other

Let me tell you, as an entrepreneur and boss of my own accessories business, being a boss is no joke. It’s like jumping into a pool of unknown depths, not knowing if you’ll sink or swim. It’s a constant rollercoaster of challenges, setbacks, and triumphs. Some days you’re on top of the world, and other days you’re left feeling like you’ve hit rock bottom.

But amidst all the chaos, there’s also a certain thrill to the job. It’s like being a tightrope walker, balancing the weight of your company, your employees, your investors, and yourself all at once. And let’s not forget the daily grind of putting out fires, making tough decisions, and constantly planning for the future.

It’s a job that’s not for the faint of heart, but for those who are willing to take the risk, the rewards can be tremendous. It’s a journey that’s filled with the sweet smell of success, the adrenaline rush of innovation, and the occasional whiff of failure.

Thus, if you’re considering the path of being a boss, just know that it’s not your average 9–5. It’s a job that will challenge you, test you, and ultimately transform you. But if you can handle the heat, then welcome to the club!

Boss is the Profession with the Least Threshold

It’s a job with the least threshold, meaning that anyone can become a boss, but not everyone can handle the hardships that come with it. You may have more control over your work, but that control comes at a cost. From the early mornings to the late nights, the constant juggling of responsibilities, and the struggle to stay afloat, being a boss can be a never-ending battle. It’s like walking a tightrope, balancing between success and failure, all while trying not to fall.

But despite the challenges, there’s something exhilarating about being a boss. It’s the feeling of creating something from scratch and watching it grow. It’s the satisfaction of knowing that you’re in charge of your own destiny. And it’s the pride that comes with the title of “boss,” even if it’s just a name.

The Glamorous Facade of Being a Boss: The Reality of Constant Debt and Financial Struggles

Many people dream of being their own boss, but few understand the financial struggles that often come with the territory. As a boss, you might envision a life of luxury, but the reality is far from it. From loans and financing to expanding your company, money is always tight. Despite the glamorous image portrayed in the media, running a business is not like growing crops where a bigger spread equals a richer harvest. Behind sophisticated business terms like private equity, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, and IPOs lies the harsh truth of “money shortage” for companies.

In real life, bosses often find themselves in a constant state of financial struggle, with assets increasing but cash flow remaining tight. Despite the challenges, they persevere and work hard to make their businesses successful.

Navigating High Pressure and Risks

Behind the fancy suits and designer labels lies a restless soul, bosses face unrelenting stress and pressure. They expend tremendous amounts of energy managing various problems, and one misstep can result in public ridicule and downfall. Society holds a contradictory view of bosses, condemning them as rich and unkind while secretly wishing for their success and aspiring to become like them.

But being a boss is not just about wealth and power. It requires a level of resilience and determination that few possess. It’s a profession that requires navigating high pressure and risks, and it’s not for the faint of heart.

Time, Hardship, and the Smart Way to Succeed

In today’s world, it’s easy to waste time scrolling through social media or watching series on a streaming service. But for prosperous bosses, time is a precious commodity that must be managed wisely. As a boss, time is your most valuable asset. It’s a resource that you can never get back, so it’s important to use it wisely.

Successful bosses understand this concept and use their time to work smarter, not harder. They prioritise their tasks, delegate responsibilities, and use technology to their advantage to streamline their work. But being a boss isn’t easy. Along with time management, there are many hardships that come with the job, such as managing difficult employees and dealing with unexpected challenges. Smart bosses know how to navigate these challenges and come out on top.

When it comes to time value, successful bosses don’t waste a single minute. They know that time is money, and they use it to generate more revenue and grow their business. They leverage resources like travel by a private jet and using cutting-edge technology to optimise their efficiency and achieve more in less time. But they also understand the importance of taking breaks and finding balance in their work and personal life.

So, if you’re looking to become a successful boss, start by valuing your time and working smarter, not harder. Overcome the hardships of the job with patience and determination, and always remember that time is your most valuable asset.

The Boss Life: More Than Just a Fast Lane to Riches

So, you want to be the boss? Buckle up, because it’s a wild ride. Forget the media’s portrayal of bosses as living in luxury with money raining from the sky. The reality is far from that. It’s a tough road, full of obstacles, setbacks, and challenges. But if you’re up for it, you’re in for an adventure that’s both rewarding and fulfilling.

Being a boss isn’t just a profession, it’s a lifestyle that requires bravery, grit, and endless responsibility. It’s not for the faint of heart, but for those who dare to take on the challenge, it can be incredibly fulfilling. So, if you’re ready to dive in, remember, being a boss isn’t just about making money or achieving success in this life. It’s also about making a positive impact in the world and earning rewards in the next life.

Embracing Islamic values such as compassion, humility, and responsibility can not only help you create a positive impact on your own life but also on the lives of those around you. It can inspire others to follow in your footsteps, creating a ripple effect of positive change in your workplace, community, and beyond.

As a boss, you have been entrusted with power and wealth, and it is your duty to use it for the greater good and to uphold justice and fairness in your dealings. The teachings of Islam emphasise the importance of accountability and encourage us to use our blessings to help those in need.

Regardless of your faith, there’s no denying the power of spirituality in providing guidance, strength, and peace in the face of life’s challenges. Whether it’s through prayer, meditation, or other practices, taking time to connect with a higher power can help you navigate the ups and downs of being a boss and living a fulfilling life.

As a boss, strive to be a source of inspiration and guidance for your team, leading by example and treating others with respect and kindness. Remember, when you are no longer on this earth, people won’t just remember your name, but how you made them feel. So, aim to leave behind a legacy of good deeds that will continue to make a difference in the world even after you’re gone.

In conclusion

I hope this blog has shed light on the true nature of the boss life. Behind the glitz and glam portrayed in media lies a rocky road filled with challenges, risks, and constant pressure. But for those who possess the bravery and responsibility to take on the challenge, the rewards can be monumental. So, if this blog has resonated with you, I encourage you to click the clap button and help share this message with others who may also benefit from it. Your support keeps me motivated to create content that can make a difference in people’s lives.




Words are my paintbrush, and blogging is my canvas. Join me on a journey of creativity and self-expression, as I share my thoughts and musings with the world.