Cracking the Code: How to Tell If Someone Truly Loves You ❤️

13 min readMar 29, 2023

“I long for a romantic partner who exudes kindness and compassion, someone who selflessly puts others before themselves. I yearn for a supportive presence in my life, someone who’s never experienced the warmth of a previous relationship. I crave a connection where we can talk for hours on end, exchanging stories and basking in each other’s company. Someone who I can share my deepest thoughts and personal struggles with, and who will reciprocate with tenderness and understanding. Most of all, I hope to be the first love of this special someone, enveloped in their warm embrace and basking in their comforting presence.”

Fate can be a tricky thing, like a rollercoaster that takes us up and down. Some people get lucky and find love right away, while others have to wade through a sea of frogs before finding their prince or princess. But no matter how many frogs we have to kiss, we can always hold out hope that the right person is out there waiting for us.

But before you start planning your happily ever after, it’s important to make sure your partner genuinely loves you.

Whether a person cares about you can be felt through the screen and through the tone of voice

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and felt like you were talking to a wall? On the other hand, have you ever chatted with someone who made you feel like you were the center of their universe? When it comes to love, the way someone chats with you can say a lot about their feelings. If they care about you deeply, you’ll know it through the words they choose, the tone of their voice, and even the way they type. So, let’s dive into the fascinating world of chat and learn how to tell if someone really loves you or not.

Those who put you on the top of their hearts will definitely NOT chat with you like this:

A boyfriend asked his girlfriend: Do my photos look good?

Girlfriend: Yes.

Boyfriend: Are you going to travel next month?

Girlfriend: Busy.

Boyfriend: I encountered a lot of bad things in the company today, and I almost cried.

Girlfriend: Sad. Going to bed!

Despite the boyfriend’s desire to share his thoughts and feelings, he couldn’t help but keep them bottled up inside. It’s a common struggle when we don’t feel heard or understood by our loved ones.

What I fear most in chatting is this perfunctory feeling of powerlessness

We’ve all been there. You pour your heart out in a message, and the response you get is nothing but silence. Or worse, a quick “lol” or “ok” that leaves you feeling dismissed and unimportant. Certainly, a “seen with no reply” can be even more frustrating than a quick dismissive response. It can leave you feeling like you’re not worth their time or attention, and wondering what you did wrong.

It’s a feeling of powerlessness, a reminder that you’re at the mercy of the other person’s attention and affection. And when they ignore you or brush you off, it’s like a punch to the gut.

As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. When someone truly cares about you, they make time for you, they listen to you, and they show you they’re invested in your happiness. But when they can’t be bothered to give you more than a few seconds of their time, it’s a sign that they don’t value you or your feelings.

So if you find yourself on the receiving end of perfunctory responses and dismissive behaviour, don’t ignore the red flags. Your time and your emotions are valuable, and you deserve someone who will treat them with the care and respect they deserve.

Don’t Mistake Attention for Love: Signs You’re Dealing with an Attention-Seeker

It is a sad realisation when someone you love is only using you for attention, leaving you feeling empty and unimportant. It’s a tough realisation that can leave you feeling hollow and overlooked. Some people mistake attention for love and crave being the center of your world, without truly caring about you as an individual.

It’s like being in a crowded room, but feeling completely alone. The person who claims to love you is there, but they’re not really present. They’re too busy seeking attention, trying to satisfy their own needs without considering yours.

Love should be a two-way street, with both partners giving and receiving in equal measure. If you feel like you’re constantly giving and never receiving, it’s time to reevaluate the relationship. Don’t settle for someone who only wants your attention, instead of your heart.

Remember, you are worthy of love that is genuine, deep, and unconditional. Don’t let anyone use you as a mere source of attention. True love is worth waiting for, and it will find you when you least expect it.

When Attraction Doesn’t Lead to a Relationship: Understanding the Science Behind It

I guess it is not uncommon to experience a situation where someone is strongly attracted to you but isn’t interested in a relationship. It can be a confusing and frustrating experience, but it’s important to remember that attraction is just a feeling. Sometimes, it happens automatically and doesn’t necessarily translate into a desire for a relationship.

According to science, attraction is a complex process that involves multiple factors such as physical appearance, personality traits, and even pheromones. It’s not always something that can be controlled or turned into a romantic relationship.

So, while you may feel a strong attraction towards someone, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they feel the same way or are looking for the same things as you. It’s important to communicate and be honest with each other about your intentions and desires.

Attraction is a powerful force that can take hold of us unexpectedly. Sometimes, we may feel a strong pull towards someone, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that a relationship will develop. However, even when it doesn’t lead to something more, attraction can still be a beautiful and meaningful experience. So why not embrace it, learn from it, and keep moving forward?

As the saying goes, “We cannot command our love, but we can our actions.” It’s up to us to decide how we act on our attraction, whether that means pursuing a relationship or simply enjoying the feelings it brings. Regardless of the outcome, the experience of attraction is a reminder of the complex and fascinating nature of human connection.

Albert Einstein once said, “You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.” Attraction is a natural and sometimes unpredictable phenomenon, but it’s important to keep an open mind and heart, and to approach it with a sense of curiosity and wonder.

In the end, it’s up to us to make the most of the attraction we feel and appreciate it for what it is.

Attraction is the temporary love. But love is the permanent attraction.

Emotions are two-way interactions

There is no relationship in the world that does not require careful management. Relationships take work, and it’s the small gestures that often make the biggest impact. For some couples, it’s not grand romantic gestures or love letters that keep them together, but the simple act of listening and responding to each other in their chats.

There’s a certain magic to feeling heard and valued, especially in a world where distractions and interruptions can make us feel disconnected. But when we take the time to truly connect with our partners on an emotional level, everything else falls into place.

At the end of the day, it’s not just about saying sweet words or making grand declarations of love. It’s about the emotional connection that we build through the everyday moments, the shared conversations, and the little gestures of care and consideration. Because when we feel truly connected to someone, everything else just feels right.

The Simple Act of Responding: A Small Gesture of Love

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and forget the simple things that truly matter. But one small act of love can go a long way in strengthening relationships.

Recently, a man was reminded of this when he witnessed his colleague’s interaction with his wife over the phone. Despite being interrupted by a work call, the colleague took the time to explain to his wife why he couldn’t talk at the moment. It was a small gesture, but one that showed his wife that he cared and valued her.

This is what true love is all about — taking the time to listen, respond, and show that you care. It’s not always about grand gestures or lavish gifts, but about the simple things that we do for each other every day.

So the next time you’re chatting with someone you love, take a moment to really listen and respond. It’s a small gesture that can make a big difference in your relationship. And remember, the greatest gift you can give someone is your time and attention.

Navigating the Pitfalls of Chatting

Have you ever experienced the anxiety of being left hanging in the middle of a chat? The sudden disappearance of the other party, with no explanation, can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, and even hurt.

It’s easy to jump to conclusions, to assume the worst, and to let your imagination run wild. But as mature adults, we should know better. We should know that unexpected situations can arise, and that we need to give each other the benefit of the doubt.

That being said, communication is a two-way street. If you’re the one who has suddenly gone offline, it’s important to remember that you owe the other person an explanation. Even if it’s just a quick message to say “Sorry, something came up. Talk later”, it can make all the difference.

If you’re on the receiving end of a sudden disappearance, try not to take it personally. Instead, take a deep breath and remind yourself that there could be any number of reasons why the other person had to go. And if you’re still feeling anxious, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for an explanation.

At the end of the day, good communication requires effort, understanding, and empathy. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

Being Accountable in Communication

When you’re in a relationship, it’s important to remember that your partner’s emotions are fragile. Disappearing suddenly during a conversation can feel like a betrayal, and it’s easy for your partner to jump to conclusions about what happened. Did they say something wrong? Did you stop caring about them?

It’s important to remember that unexpected situations can happen to anyone, but it’s equally important to be accountable for your actions. If you disappear suddenly, you owe it to your partner to explain why. Leaving them in the dark only causes unnecessary anxiety and distress.

The next time you’re tempted to disappear during a conversation, remember the cost of your actions. Being accountable for your words and actions is key to building strong, healthy relationships.

Untangling Misunderstandings: The Key to a Healthy Relationship

Have you ever been in love with someone so deeply that you worry about their every need? From ensuring they have enough to eat to keeping them warm and dry, the smallest details become important when we care for someone.

But despite our best efforts, misunderstandings can happen, and the knots of our relationships can become tangled. It’s in those moments that taking the time to communicate, to clear up any misunderstandings, and to be accountable for our actions becomes crucial.

Because at the end of the day, love is the most powerful instinct of all. It can make us feel vulnerable and foolish, but it can also bring us the greatest joy and fulfillment.

So if you want to enjoy a smooth and loving relationship, take the time to unravel the knots and communicate openly with your partner. It’s the secret to a happy and fulfilling love life.

Thoughtful Communication: A Key Ingredient in Strong Relationships

Have you ever experienced someone showing genuine care and concern for you through their words and actions? It’s a powerful feeling, one that can make us feel valued and loved.

For instance, a friend might send you a message after you arrive home safely from a long trip, or a partner might share interesting things they’ve come across that they know you’d enjoy.

These small gestures might seem insignificant, but they can have a big impact on our relationships. They show that the other person is thinking about us, and that they care enough to take the time to reach out.

In fact, sometimes people are so touched by these acts of thoughtfulness that they revisit their conversations with a smile. Re-reading old chat logs and messages, they relive those moments of connection and warmth.

So, whether it’s sending a kind message, sharing a funny meme, or simply taking the time to listen, let’s all strive to communicate more thoughtfully with those we care about. It can make all the difference in building strong, lasting relationships.

The Power of Love: When You Can’t Help But Focus All Your Attention on Someone

Love is a powerful emotion that can make us do incredible things. When you fall in love with someone, you can’t help but want to share every aspect of your life with them. If you eat something delicious, you want to share it with them. If you see something beautiful, you want to know if they’re missing out on it.

But finding someone who cares about you can be a challenge. In a busy world where everyone has their own priorities, it can be hard to find someone who is willing to take the time to greet you, let alone remember the little things that matter to you.

When you do find someone who cares about you, it’s important to cherish them. Love is not just about the big romantic gestures, but also about the small acts of kindness that show your partner that you’re thinking of them. When your partner takes your food, clothing, housing, transportation, emotions, sorrows and joys into their heart, it means that they really love you and want to be a part of every aspect of your life.

So if you’re lucky enough to find someone who cares about you in this way, hold on to them tightly. Because in a world where everyone is so busy, finding someone who is willing to give you their undivided attention is a rare and precious gift.

The Power of Warm Words in Relationships

Some couples around me are always blaming each other, bucking the blame, and even turning over old scores endlessly because of trivial matters. But what good does that do?

As the old saying goes, “If you are noisy, it will be annoying for others to listen to it.” This rings true in relationships as well. The constant bickering and arguing can take a toll on both partners.

The greatest curse of a relationship is that every time you encounter difficulties, you always want to suppress the other party. But instead of suppressing each other, why not support and comfort each other during tough times?

Life has its ups and downs, but it’s important to remember that where there are cracks, that’s where the sun shines in. In other words, the difficult moments in life can actually bring us closer together if we handle them with care and kindness.

One way to strengthen a relationship is to leave warm and loving words for your partner. As the author Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” So take the time to leave a kind note, send a thoughtful message, or simply tell your partner how much you appreciate them. These small acts of love can make a big difference in a relationship.

Remember, relationships are not always easy, but with patience, kindness, and warm words, we can build strong and lasting connections with our partners.

Love that Lasts a Lifetime: Finding the Right Person to Share Your Journey With

In today’s world, with the fast pace of modern life, it’s easy to become consumed by the daily grind. But a good lover can change all of that. They can make you feel seen, heard, and cherished, even in the most ordinary moments of life. And when you’re feeling tired and worn out, they’ll be there with a shoulder to lean on, providing comfort and support.

True love isn’t just about making grand gestures or promises that can’t be kept. It’s about showing up for each other, day after day, and doing the little things that make life sweeter. It’s about being there for each other in good times and bad, and sharing all the ups and downs that come with life’s journey.

So if you’re lucky enough to find that special someone who makes your heart skip a beat and your soul sing, hold on tight. Cherish every moment with them, and never take their love for granted. Because when you find the right person, life becomes so much more beautiful, and every day is a gift to be shared with the one you love.

Thank you for embarking on this journey of love and relationships with me. I hope this article has left you feeling invigorated and enlightened. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the warmth of a cozy blanket enveloping you as you read this, creating a sense of comfort and connection.

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Words are my paintbrush, and blogging is my canvas. Join me on a journey of creativity and self-expression, as I share my thoughts and musings with the world.